Monday, July 28, 2008

Team 6 Training Schedule

Boxcar Sally sittin’ on the porch waiting for Team 6

Team 6 Training Schedule

28 July 2008
3 Rounds for time
400 meter run
Squat Thrust (Burpee without the push-up or jump and clap)
Pull-ups and Squat Thrust will descend in reps per round i.e. 21, 15, 9

29 July 2008
Skill Training
Kipping Pull-ups
If you can’t do 40 Kipping Pull-ups then you need to work on them. It’s a skill that requires strength, speed, coordination, flexibility, and just about everything else that describes athletes. On this day you will learn the kipping pattern and all kinds of tricks and tips to become a kipping fool.
Skills training will be followed by some core training.
Rockers, med-ball throws and some other funky stuff.

30 July 208
Warm-up will be Deadlift to your max.
For 20 minutes perform as many rounds as possible with the following couplet:
Deadlift X 7 reps (weight will be 70 pounds minus your max)
Row 250 meters

31 July 2008
Skill and Strength day
Front Squat 5 sets of 5 reps with as much weight as possible.
Run 5K (For those of you closer to your dirt nap than your birth, it may be helpful on your knees and ankles to stop and walk for a minute every 5 to 10 minutes. I have been doing this for years and it has seriously reduced joint pain. Also, once the run is complete do 25 air squats to maintain your squat flexibility. The first few will be painful, but by rep 10 you should be gaining back the mobility you lost from your hamstrings tightening up from the run.)

01 August 2008
WODProgramming will be in the hands of amateurs - everyone who shows up will get to choose a movement and a WOD will be developed from those movements.

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