Friday, August 22, 2008

Sweet Marguerite, It's Alive!

I planted a few of the Sweet Potato Vines this Spring. Apparently, they really like this spot as they have taken over this bed and have spilled out onto the lawn. Each time we mow they get hacked off but by the next mowing they have grown even further. There are several shrubs and perennials underneath this mess and I have to the cut the vine back around them as well. I probably should just go ahead and do a severe trim but I'm kinda curiuos to see how far they'll go before season ends...we still have a couple of months to go.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best Laundromat Ever!

As soon as the floor was finished, I went to work on the paint and trim in this area so we could move the washer and dryer in permanently - they don't work so well in the middle of the living room. During the kitchen remodel, the laundry area was moved so we went without a washer and dryer. Once the plumbing rough-in was finished, we attempted to use the washer but that was a disaster - the drain was capped off somewhere under the house and water splashed all over the floor during the spin cycle. A few times we put the drain hose into a 33 gal trash can but that was lots of trouble, too. It would fill the can about 2/3 of the way during one wash and that thing is pretty heavy to haul outside and dump. And we have a low water washer - I can't imagine how much water those top-loading numbers use. We survived by wearing clothes multiple times and resorting to clothes we haven't worn in years (not sure why we still had some of them). Heck, once we even broke down and bought Michael new socks - don't laugh, it beats going to the laundromat. Have you been to one of those places lately?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Supper

It finally happened! I was able to use my stove for the first time. The gas company came out to run the gas line over a month ago but didn't have the part to convert the stove to LP gas. They would have to order the part and come back. A month later it was still on backorder. I didn't push the issue then because we couldn't get into the kitchen anyway due to the floor situation. But when I realized the floor drama was coming to an end, I decided to go online and order it myself. Three days later (and $50 cheaper) it was on my doorstep so I called the guys back to hook up the stove. Calzone isn't quite what I expected to be cooking for the inaugural meal but it was quick and didn't require a lot of dishes. When we moved here, all of the kitchen items were taken straight to the attic since we were renovating the kitchen --with the exception of one skillet, one pot, a good cutting knife, and a couple of place settings. We'll probably unload the attic this weekend but until then dinner is gonna be quick, simple and on disposable foil platters like this one.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Band Profile

Finally got all of the doors and windows trimmed out so things are starting to look finished now. The rest of the house has 1x4's with backband so this is what I'm doing in the kitchen. Of course, I ran into a problem. I can't find the backband. The stuff I found at the big box hardware stores, and the local hardware store, fits around standard door casing that is only 11/32 - not 3/4" leaving a gap between the back of the backband and the wall. Too large of a gap to caulk. Found a millwork place in Raleigh that carried it. They didn't have any in stock but they did have something so similar, "You wouldn't notice the difference". I drive an hour to Raleigh and it's different. Not so much that you would notice it, but different enough that it won't fit without cutting it. The sales guy tells me it's made for 7/8 so you MIGHT have to run it through a table saw and cut it down. Now why didn't he tell me that before I drove an hour (two roundtrip) - how did he know I had a table saw...what if I didn't...jerk. Anyway, it is much nicer than the other stuff and I did drive all that way...guess I'll get it. Here's the profile of the backband -pretty substantial.
I ran it through the table saw and it fits great. Now it's time to prime and paint. Still have to do a little more work on the banding that goes around the dining nook windows not to overhang the window stools - probably have to run those pieces through the shaper. After all this work, maybe I should have just made my own.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Spot Free Shine!

The floor is finally finished (this was a two-month project). We ended up having to call a different flooring contractor to finish the floor. The first one refinished it several times but each time the spots reappeared. He was as frustrated as we were and agreed that we should call someone else because it just wasn't working out for him. Nice guy - I felt bad for him. So, the new guy finished the floor while we were in Florida. Apparently, there was a communication problem and the stain color turned out much lighter than I would have liked. But there is nothing I can do about it (the floor has now been sanded 5 times which is pretty much the life of hardwood flooring) so I'll just have to live with it. It's still nice - just not the dark color I planned on. It's growing on me. But hey - NO SPOTS! Yeahhhh!!! And I can finally get into the kitchen!

Cousin' Bubba

Here is Pete and his "cousin" Bubba (Michael's Dad's dog). These two could almost be twins and they have the best time hanging out together. Pete loves going to visit Papa Richard and lives for going for walks with him and Bubba. We all had a great time in Florida but it's always nice to be home...although Pete is still looking for the chocolate chip cookies Papa Richard hands out.

Back Seat Driving

We went to Florida to visit family this past week. It's a long drive and this is how the pups pass the time. We stop every two hours or so to let these guys run around outside and sniff stuff. Occasionally, Cessie gets restless (you'd never know she is twelve) and has to come up front and hang out:

Overall they're good travelers --Pete didn't get sick and neither one of them asked, "Are we there, yet?"

Hail Storm

We had an incredible hail storm in May. The hail was so large and was coming down so hard ...and sideways... that we were worried it was going to crash through the windows of the house. When it was over, the hail completely covered the ground and there was still hail on the ground the next morning. We spent days cleaning up the debris (limbs and leaves knocked out of the trees) from the yard that was so thick you couldn't see the driveway. It caused severe damage to all of our vehicles, the roof -including the garage and kitchen addition that had just been built- the metal fascia and trim on the left side of house and garage and mangled the gutters installed one week prior.

We found a great roofing contractor: D.R. Thomas Construction. A day after signing the contract, he had someone out here replacing the metal work and the shingles were delivered a day after that. This guy inspects the work at least once per day. He even requires the guys to hang around at the end of the day so he can come back and inspect the clean up job before they leave for the day. The top photo shows how they left at the end of the day - all the shingles were toted up to the ridge to begin the next day. The 78 year old contractor's motto is "I'm gonna burn out, not rust out." . The general contractor that built the garage and kitchen addition could learn a LOT from this guy. They finished up the roof while we were in Florida and cleaned up the mess even though we weren't here to point at what they missed --unlike the other contractor.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Team 6 Training Schedule

18 August 08
For time and complete WOD in the following manner: Alternate movements and complete no more than 10 reps with either movement.
100 Thrusters (95 lbs men and 65 lbs women)
100 Pull-ups

19 August 08
Find your max for the
Clean and Jerk
Finish with 100 rockers

20 August 08
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
10 Side Hop Burpees (Draw two lines16 inches apart, start on the outside of the left line and complete a burpee with a jump to the other side of the right line.)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75 lbs men and 55 lbs women)

21 August 08
Row 1000 meters for time
Rest (should equal the time it took to complete 1000 meters)
Run 1 mile for time
Finish with 25 knee to elbows and 25 glute ham sit-ups

22 August 08
For time
21 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
50 push-ups
21 Deadlifts
50 pull-ups
21 Deadlifts
50 Wall-balls

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lord of the Rings
East Coast CrossFit

Team 6 Training Schedule

11 August 08
3 rounds for time
400 meter run
25 Wall-ball shots
15 Pull-ups

12 August 08
CrossFit Total
Find your max for the following:
Overhead shoulder press
Back Squat

13 August 08
Complete the following for time:
Row 1000 meters
50 Thrusters (45lbs Men and 35lbs Women)
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters

14 August 08
Skill development
Practice rope climbing with no more than 15 trips
100 double-unders for time

15 August 08
WOD "Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds of the following 5 movements for one minute
Row for calories
Sumo deadlift high pulls
Box Jumps

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Turning Point...

This is evidence of something truly amazing. No, it's not that Cessie is eating a Milkbone that is amazing --it is the fact that I didn't give it to her. My neighbor did. Anyone that knows Cessie realizes how remarkable this is. Cessie will not go near strangers at all --even if they offer food and especially if we are not around. It takes multiple visits from friends and family (and lots of patience) before she will trust them. Again, we have been blessed with great neighbors that treat our dogs like theirs and Cessie feels comfortable enough to head over there when the treats are being handed out so she doesn't miss out. They have four dogs; a chow mix and a beagle mix that Pete hangs out with and two Pomeranians that Cessie hangs out with (Gizmo is her boyfriend -she thinks we don't notice).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

CrossFit Trainer of the Week

Team 6 Training Schedule
Week 04 – 08 August 08

04 August 08

“Sock Hop”
4 Rounds for time:
1 Round equals the following
100 meter “Sock Hop” Shuttle followed by
5 rounds of the following
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

05 August 08

Find your 15 rep max for the thruster (front squat/push press combo)
Core circuit
5 rounds
10 knee to elbow
10 V ups

06 August 08

3 Rounds for time
400 meter run
15 cleans (Men 95 lbs/Women 65 lbs)
25 Jumping Ring Dips

07 August 08
10K Row or 10K run

08 August 08
Programming will be in the hands of amateurs - everyone who shows up will get to choose a movement and a WOD will be developed from those movements.