Finally got all of the doors and windows trimmed out so things are starting to look finished now. The rest of the house has 1x4's with backband so this is what I'm doing in the kitchen. Of course, I ran into a problem. I can't find the backband. The stuff I found at the big box hardware stores, and the local hardware store, fits around standard door casing that is only 11/32 - not 3/4" leaving a gap between the back of the backband and the wall. Too large of a gap to caulk. Found a millwork place in Raleigh that carried it. They didn't have any in stock but they did have something so similar, "You wouldn't notice the difference". I drive an hour to Raleigh and it's different. Not so much that you would notice it, but different enough that it won't fit without cutting it. The sales guy tells me it's made for 7/8 so you MIGHT have to run it through a table saw and cut it down. Now why didn't he tell me that before I drove an hour (two roundtrip) - how did he know I had a table saw...what if I didn't...jerk. Anyway, it is much nicer than the other stuff and I did drive all that way...guess I'll get it. Here's the profile of the backband -pretty substantial.
I ran it through the table saw and it fits great. Now it's time to prime and paint. Still have to do a little more work on the banding that goes around the dining nook windows not to overhang the window stools - probably have to run those pieces through the shaper. After all this work, maybe I should have just made my own.